Monday, July 14, 2008

Finding Fellowship

There is only one place in the world, where I can meet someone one day, and be telling them I love them the next, and that is God Camp. God camp is what the campers of Kalamazoo district of Lake Louise Christian Camp affectionately call their beloved camp.

Not everyone is as lucky as I am, as we are, to be involved in something this amazing, a depth of Christian fellowship that builds lasting relationships in a matter of hours. Yes, I suspect part of the reason we can feel so unconditionally loved with people we don't know, is partially because they don't have to deal with our flaws and faults long-term, but I've built so many lasting friendships there that I know that that fact is only a tiny piece of the almost impossibly perfect puzzle. 

There is only one place where I feel comfortable telling the person I have just met my most deep sufferings, and they feel comfortable giving me a hug, and then sharing their story. That's Lake Louise. In your daily life you eagerly come together in a group, even with believers, with the express purpose of sharing unconditional love and helping people open up and share the troubles they have been afraid or ashamed to share.

And these teens rise to the challenge. I attended four years and I never heard anyones secrets bandied about, during or after camp. I never heard of anyone taking advantage, in any way, to the kind of vulnerable people only address when they share their secrets. Every year when I have a chance to go to camp, I am immensely happy. I look forward to Good Camp more than Christmas, and I'm one of those people who loves spending months finding the exactly right present for someone, then watching them open it. I literally gave up a chance to go to china in order to have one more year there. The camp that I go to is a God filled place, and a place filled with so many people who love you unconditionally.

I know of no where else where i have heard someone tell their deepest secrets with no fear of judgement or retruibution. It is a place of forgiveness and kindness. So no, I'm not trying to make you jealous or send you running to your Google search to see if you can get in this upcoming summer, I'm advising you to find a place like this. There are so few places as ideal as my Good Camp, but there are always ways to find good Christian fellowship.

Hebrews 10:24-25 says "and let us consider how to stir one another up to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another...." Sometimes fellowship time at church can be about logistics about the next women's group meeting or when your creative memories club is getting together. It is realty important to find meaningful fellowship. If that is your women's group, more power to you. Just remember, we as Christians talk all the time about finding a church where the sermons leave us "fed".... well fellowship is a different kind of God food, and it hold different "nutrients" that fulfill different needs. 

Make sure you have a balanced diet.

Yes, I know not everyone has a place like that where they can go to find peace, but all Christians should have a place of rest, a place where those around them support them. I pray you will find such a place!

Philippians 2:1-2 "If therefore there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent in one purpose."

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