Monday, July 14, 2008

School Skit

This post is going to be very short ladies and gentlemen. My school drama class spent over a month preparing a skit for our school chapel. We have a video recording of it, but I do not have everyones permission to post it. So I am posting the video of the original. This is the original church who performed a skit which is now commonly referred to as the Lifehouse Skit (it is performed to a Lifehouse song).

During the performance there was not a dry eye in the house. I cry every time I watch the video. Maybe it will not impact you the same way, but I hope it will.

Since we performed this in 2008 (I am commenting now in 2013) I have witnessed this skit communicate Christ's love across a language barrier in Peru, inspire people to reaffirm their faith in Michigan, break down walls in hearts that needed salvation in New York, and sweep like a wave of God's grace across central and South America. And I know for a fact a Korean friend took it back to her home church when her study abroad in America was over.

Sometimes we do not know the impact something that God asks us to do will have. I doubt the Mission Baltimore Church who first put this together could have fully understood the impact such an performance would have, literally, all over the world. 

I've mentioned Colossians 3:17, and 23 before "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him...Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."

We can never fully understand God's plan. There is a television show Joan of Arcadia, in which a young woman in modern America sees and speaks to God. While there are theological issues with the show, the drama seems to capture a lot of concepts about God with a certain poignancy. In one episode, Joan becomes frustrated and tells God off. She is tired of God blindly leading her around, tired of never knowing what is really going on. Finally she asks God to see the plan. The next shot is of Joan on the floor, unconscious. God admits he knew she was asking for too much, so He only showed her a minuscule part of the plan.

Joan was so overwhelmed by just a tiny little part of God's plan that she was literally rendered unconscious.

OK, yes, there is no Joan, and this is just a television show. But I remember my entire family going silent at that moment, and staring at the screen, thinking how poignant that was, that we really are incapable of comprehending God's plan. I think the first thing anyone said was a hushed "wow."

I think its most likely that Baltimore Mission Church had no idea what they were being called to do, but they answered God's call, and as a result, the whole world was blessed.

So, I decided to sit through a couple versions to see if I could find the "best". I cried at almost every single one. Everyone has their own take. I hope you are as blessed by this as I have been.

"Street" Version - this is not my favorite version, but I love the ending.

Crissilla Crosslands Version - beautiful dance version.

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