Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Fallout and the Phantom

I was just watching the Phantom of the Opera, and if you are of an appropriate age, I highly recommend it, it is an amazing movie based on the classic musical. I have seen the musical on broadway, and prefer the movie, if that gives any idea of how good the movie is. Besides, it has Gerard Butler in it, *chuckle*.

Previously, as I assume most viewers do,  I have always watched the movie as Christine, the protagonist. The character I commiserated with was the "victim" who was haunted by the phantom, who was, of course, the "antagonist". But today, for the first time ever, because of a combination of having spoken to several people while at camp who were victims of circumstance in a true and honest sense, and some psych research I did to understand a particularly difficult "antihero" in the novel I'm reading, I began to see the story as the phantom.

Understand, I believe people are responsible for their own actions, and I believe that we always have a choice. It may not be pretty and we might not like it, but there's a choice. But there are also situations where people are given the most unfair series of awful choices, treated cruelly, hatefully, and all I can think is, it would have taken strength of character far greater than that of the best person I know to rise above THAT.

Now I know most people out there have been rejected at one point or another, and are familiar with how that hurts, so read these lyrics, the phantom's lyrics, with that thought in mind.

I gave you my music

made your song take wing
and now how you've repaid me
denied me and betrayed me
He was bound to love you
when he heard you sing

A little back story, the phantom was born deformed in a time period where it was still socially acceptable to abandon scarred children in the gutter. and that was what was done to his character. Ultimately he was captured by the owner of a carnival and was kept in a cage as a part of the carnival's freak show, where he was mocked and poked and prodded and beaten. That is, until he escaped in a violent episode characteristic of the desperate and abused. Horrifying, I know. (And yes, I do remember this is fiction, work with me here.) Remember, we are to "Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God." (Romans 15:7)

He came to the opera with the help of the opera house's dance instructor, the first person to ever show him any kindness. And although she tried to ensure he was never found, she too abandoned him to live out his life alone down there.  We Christians know better. We are to be there for others no matter what their position or state in life. Romans 12:16 says "Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position."

Enter Christine, a young woman emotionally scarred by the loss of her beloved father with a passion for music almost as great as the phantom's own. He falls in love, and after loving her from afar finally offers to teach her to sing. She gets to honor her father's memory through music, and the phantom finally gets to share what he is passionate about with someone. Christine is the second woman to show him kindness, although he seems to be unaware that she is not fully aware of what she is getting into. And she is the first person to stick by him and not abandon him to be alone in darkness. That is until this song where she chooses Raul instead of the phantom.

Suddenly his sense of betrayal makes sense.

You can just hear the desperation in his voice as he whispers the last word. He cannot understand how the woman he loves, the woman whose life he has dedicated his  life to improving, the woman whose music he has brought to life, the woman to whom he has given everything which is important to him, can love another, and not only love another, but fear him.

As Christine, her fear is justifiable. A man has just been hung by the Phantom, she sees him as a monster.

But the phantom has been running his entire life from people like the stage hand he murdered, he was in constant fear one would finally lead enough people in judgement against him, and he would be silenced forever. (Murder is NEVER justified, but work with me here) To the phantom his act is self defense, and not only self defense, but also in defense of a potential future life with Christine.

And here she has turned him away. Betrayed him and the gift he gave her.

Ouch. I was crying.

Now of course, then the phantom turns to desperation and anger. He thinks only of revenge, but that's another post (maybe).

Christine had no idea what was going on in the phantom's heart. She didn't take the time to find out. Not until it was very nearly too late. When she finally realizes her mistake in treating the phantom so cruelly, her love, Raul, has very nearly lost his life because of it. Remember Zechariah 7:9  says "...show mercy and compassion to one another."

And then, the very act of kindness Christine SHOULD have offered in the first place is what inspires the phantom's change of heart, and saves both Christine and Raul's lives.

Finally, she got it right. John 13:34 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." But maybe, just maybe she should have tried kindness BEFORE rejection and betrayal. In actuality this works in reality. Too many people have been treated too badly for too long. And too often or actions have far more impact than they normally should because of it.

I just wanted you to think of the people you have dismissed out of hand, or maybe given one too few chances. Think about the actions others have taken in any situation and think about how maybe you could have been a part of the cause. Doesn't that make it so much easier to forgive them. People don't do good in is vacuum. And neither do they do ill in a vacuum. What we do and say affects others whether we realize it or not. 

Let's start thinking about the consequences of our actions a little more, and also be more willing to take responsibility on us than place it on others.

Here is the clip, and yes, I am video happy :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

School Skit

This post is going to be very short ladies and gentlemen. My school drama class spent over a month preparing a skit for our school chapel. We have a video recording of it, but I do not have everyones permission to post it. So I am posting the video of the original. This is the original church who performed a skit which is now commonly referred to as the Lifehouse Skit (it is performed to a Lifehouse song).

During the performance there was not a dry eye in the house. I cry every time I watch the video. Maybe it will not impact you the same way, but I hope it will.

Since we performed this in 2008 (I am commenting now in 2013) I have witnessed this skit communicate Christ's love across a language barrier in Peru, inspire people to reaffirm their faith in Michigan, break down walls in hearts that needed salvation in New York, and sweep like a wave of God's grace across central and South America. And I know for a fact a Korean friend took it back to her home church when her study abroad in America was over.

Sometimes we do not know the impact something that God asks us to do will have. I doubt the Mission Baltimore Church who first put this together could have fully understood the impact such an performance would have, literally, all over the world. 

I've mentioned Colossians 3:17, and 23 before "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him...Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."

We can never fully understand God's plan. There is a television show Joan of Arcadia, in which a young woman in modern America sees and speaks to God. While there are theological issues with the show, the drama seems to capture a lot of concepts about God with a certain poignancy. In one episode, Joan becomes frustrated and tells God off. She is tired of God blindly leading her around, tired of never knowing what is really going on. Finally she asks God to see the plan. The next shot is of Joan on the floor, unconscious. God admits he knew she was asking for too much, so He only showed her a minuscule part of the plan.

Joan was so overwhelmed by just a tiny little part of God's plan that she was literally rendered unconscious.

OK, yes, there is no Joan, and this is just a television show. But I remember my entire family going silent at that moment, and staring at the screen, thinking how poignant that was, that we really are incapable of comprehending God's plan. I think the first thing anyone said was a hushed "wow."

I think its most likely that Baltimore Mission Church had no idea what they were being called to do, but they answered God's call, and as a result, the whole world was blessed.

So, I decided to sit through a couple versions to see if I could find the "best". I cried at almost every single one. Everyone has their own take. I hope you are as blessed by this as I have been.

"Street" Version - this is not my favorite version, but I love the ending.

Crissilla Crosslands Version - beautiful dance version.

Finding Fellowship

There is only one place in the world, where I can meet someone one day, and be telling them I love them the next, and that is God Camp. God camp is what the campers of Kalamazoo district of Lake Louise Christian Camp affectionately call their beloved camp.

Not everyone is as lucky as I am, as we are, to be involved in something this amazing, a depth of Christian fellowship that builds lasting relationships in a matter of hours. Yes, I suspect part of the reason we can feel so unconditionally loved with people we don't know, is partially because they don't have to deal with our flaws and faults long-term, but I've built so many lasting friendships there that I know that that fact is only a tiny piece of the almost impossibly perfect puzzle. 

There is only one place where I feel comfortable telling the person I have just met my most deep sufferings, and they feel comfortable giving me a hug, and then sharing their story. That's Lake Louise. In your daily life you eagerly come together in a group, even with believers, with the express purpose of sharing unconditional love and helping people open up and share the troubles they have been afraid or ashamed to share.

And these teens rise to the challenge. I attended four years and I never heard anyones secrets bandied about, during or after camp. I never heard of anyone taking advantage, in any way, to the kind of vulnerable people only address when they share their secrets. Every year when I have a chance to go to camp, I am immensely happy. I look forward to Good Camp more than Christmas, and I'm one of those people who loves spending months finding the exactly right present for someone, then watching them open it. I literally gave up a chance to go to china in order to have one more year there. The camp that I go to is a God filled place, and a place filled with so many people who love you unconditionally.

I know of no where else where i have heard someone tell their deepest secrets with no fear of judgement or retruibution. It is a place of forgiveness and kindness. So no, I'm not trying to make you jealous or send you running to your Google search to see if you can get in this upcoming summer, I'm advising you to find a place like this. There are so few places as ideal as my Good Camp, but there are always ways to find good Christian fellowship.

Hebrews 10:24-25 says "and let us consider how to stir one another up to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another...." Sometimes fellowship time at church can be about logistics about the next women's group meeting or when your creative memories club is getting together. It is realty important to find meaningful fellowship. If that is your women's group, more power to you. Just remember, we as Christians talk all the time about finding a church where the sermons leave us "fed".... well fellowship is a different kind of God food, and it hold different "nutrients" that fulfill different needs. 

Make sure you have a balanced diet.

Yes, I know not everyone has a place like that where they can go to find peace, but all Christians should have a place of rest, a place where those around them support them. I pray you will find such a place!

Philippians 2:1-2 "If therefore there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent in one purpose."