Monday, October 07, 2013


Hi everyone, This is a temporary post which will remain at the head of this blog until my Grand Re-Launch Sunday, October 13.  

The blog will be moving to a new domain name coming soon., so if you can't find it, that's why! Just head over to the new domain!

I am currently re-writing my old posts for grammar, content, and biblical reference addition. I have already completed almost all of the posts, so if you would like to see what you are going to be in for, scroll on down to the bottom! 

I have a new sub-blog about to be launched by two guest authors, Nathaniel LaPeer and Mark Monte called "That's Not a Thing" which is a comic debunking of silly things we do and say in the church that have no biblical backing. This should be launched by the end of October.

I also have some great guest-blogger posts coming in under a topic heading I call Controversy and Conviction. Two of these will include a three-author treatise on Wealth and Poverty, including the responsibilities of Christians in each position; and a two author controversy arguing both sides of Once Saved Always Saved. At least one "set" of these should be in by October 20th.

I look forward to responses and comments.

Hopefully November will see the launch of my new advice column, please, you are welcome to submit your letters by e-mail to or to

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